Last day with Dan

Misleading title, but I couldn’t resist. Tomorrow is the last day of the year and I’m meeting up with Dan Baker. Been two years. Wow. time flies when you are fun loving, or something like that. 

Dan’s in town on respite from his studious life at Villanova. I think. I’ll find out more tomorrow morning. But, Dan did send me an exciting bit of news for our Homeless Catholic website. I’ll let his words speak for themselves:

“I just started exploring the website. It looks promising. I’d love to contribute. (I’m bouncing around some ideas about how some degree of homelessness is inherent in one’s journey of faith, but nevertheless the allure of contemporary secular culture demands more than ever that we be rooted in a nourishing community, with some reflection on my own experience.)”

If you knew Dan, and you may, and hopefully through his contributions you will, this is such lovely news. I could tell you some great stories about Dan, but they are more than two years old, and most of them are five and six years old, and Dan may be very different now. He couldn’t be any balder, I suppose. I am. He is probably more of a Philly baseball fan than before, but the Broncos probably hold a solid place in his heart. I imagine he still loves pancakes. 

We’ll probably have pancakes tomorrow morning. With bacon.

I added a new 1/2 done set of pages on “Suggested Scriptures.” I got the New Testament ones done. The Old Testament offerings are probably more obscure. No Daniel and no Numbers references, even though you may have been looking forward to a good verse from the bible’s phone book. My favorite line, that I made up, is that Numbers begat Deuteronomy. 

Still trying to work out how to get a messaging board going and subscription emails that update our mailing list of folks about added reflections (usually weekly) and blog notifications. I’ll be using the MailChimp tool for communicating with potential and actual subscribers to our website. It’s pretty easy. I’ll need easy. The messaging board is actually Disqus, a commenting tool that I’ve signed up for the website. It’s a bit cryptic for me at this point, so we’ll see how that goes.

Worked out a schedule for finishing up a construction project that will begin selling in February. Very aggressive schedule. Getting close …

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