Holy Days

So many holy days in this fistful of holiday weeks, don’t you know? A sure sign of homage and community gathering, but a mostly bustling time, hurried and worried time. 

I’ve been laid up a bit due to a head cold, and I gratefully escaped the wrestling of the clock, but the gathering part, the howdy do, and the hugs, I missed those, except for a few things where my appearance wouldn’t create more sickness for others. 

My desk is a coordinated forest floor. It makes for the design of a community gathering without all the fuss and fabulous interchange of people. Reminders, unfileable pieces of this and that, impossible ideas, unimaginable expectations, unknown gadgets, and two stacks of pens and pencils. OK. I’m tossing out the pens and pencils right now. I only use three. (Well, maybe I’ll stick them in a drawer that holds fifteen years of other such important things.)

Most of my desk-based community stuff is financially oriented. As in, ways to chip away, obfuscate, and categorize bills, purchases, and paltry bits of income. In the larger view of things the “paltry” income designation lines up as a whiny perspective comparative as paltry only in relationship to the rather overwhelming debts.

In between all the desk equipment - stapler, tape, tools that belong in the garage, file separators, light, printer, monitors (yes, I have three counting the laptop screen), Q-tips, various communication device plugs and wires, coffee mugs, (Oh, there’s that phone number!), bits of paper, business cards, and three stacks (to do, to maybe do, to never get done) - sits my mouth and fingers (the keyboard and mouse). 

Yes, a desk is just like any landscape of a community gathering. The overwhelming desire to listen to friends and family with an inordinate amount of both time and energy, mixed with the inability to say the meaningful and helpful things to those you love.

A note is reminding me to PAY STORAGE BILL every month on a storage unit that I swore I would never rent. It is full of construction materials left over and unreturnable and in just a few months no longer of value due to the high cost of the storage unit.

I’m not sure what kind of relationship the storage unit refers to, but I’m thinking its the memories of good folks I haven’t seen in awhile, and my uncertain plan on what to do about that.

Just another week of holiday holy days, which will reach an epitome on Epiphany (ooh, what a great line) when Lexio Divina meets at our Pawnee house in Manitou Springs for a fancy meal full of prayer, hilarity, somber news, excitement, and things to google and email for future research.

I should be better by Tuesday, and of no danger to anyone. Health-wise, that is.

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