The Journey Begins

The journey begins in earnest today, or yesterday. Kind of depends. We actually began some time ago, in 2005. I caught on to the problem of homelessness in an airport, and all my homeless friends were going through similar problems at about the same time. Well, we’ve all been going through religious homelessness since the Ascension. 

Regarding this book, however, the “we” of this effort have had many moments of earnest intentions. Following a gentle urging from all my homeless friends over these past 10 years, I finally listened to the one who has whispered in me ear to do this. My wife. The Holy Spirit has been doing a lot of whispering too, but my wife has been the most convincing instrument of God’s still, silent voice.

Steve Hall and I had pancakes at Denny’s yesterday, and Steve officially (it was just the look on his face, in honesty) proclaimed our effort as a blessed mission from our place within the Royal Priesthood. We weren’t wearing any sparkly religious garb, but the genuine display of the eager and excited Steve sealed the deal. Perhaps it was the meal, which is quite appropriate. Jesus was there. I could see him in Steve’s gestures and the light coming off his face. (Jesus is quite animated.)

Our website won’t actually go live just yet, but it was born sometime between yesterday and today. It’s been incubating for several months, thanks to efforts from my daughter, Jenelle. She got prayed into a great new job and had no choice but to help out her father as payback. In truth, payback for prayers all goes to God, of course, but as her father I get to retrieve the scraps from the table. (We did leave scraps of pancakes, but that’s because we couldn’t absorb any more due to inordinate amounts of Denny’s coffee.) 

I’ve yet to get the other two members of the homeless team on board, though they did commit (with cavalier flair) some time ago to add their homeless wisdom to the site. We’ll see how they jump on board.

Forgive me for beginning with such flippancy about initiating what we consider to be God’s work. Blogging is such a weird word for public journaling. I’ve taken to the term “Waxing” instead, as in waxing and waning. It more properly defines our progress, a low height, Kansas prairie roller coaster of communicating with the homeless world of Christians. 

We’ll be taking a Catholic point-of-view toward religious homelessness, but that’s primarily a book binding, or place holder for our familiarity as Roman Catholic Christians. Some folks may still be trapped in denominational divisions regarding the Body of Christ. It’s an understandable bog in the middle of the valley of faithful. Lots of fog in bogs. It’s our intention, though, to remain inhabited in our religious expression as Catholics as part of the “at home” yearning, or longing in the mystical body. Evangelicals, Orthodox, and Protestant Christians should probably do the same. Generally speaking.

We’ll be turning on comments when we know how to attend to them and can commit to Waxing. 

God bless.

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