The Journal of the Apostle Andrew

I remain in constant amazement at the distance my brothers have traveled  to live in these foreign lands. Their synagogues are small by Judean standards. Still, they take comfort in one another and are always anxious to receive news from Jerusalem. The news I bring still burns fiercely within me even after all these years. And so, while my travels may be difficult and take me far from home and friends, I am driven to pursue all the children of Abraham wherever they may be so that they can know how our God has fulfilled his promise.

Reflection - Andrew
Romans 10:9-18
Matthew 4:18-22

Today is the feast of St Andrew, the Apostle. He could easily have been in his late teens or early twenties when he first met Jesus. But, just as it is with the other Apostles, we know little about him except ancient stories and legends. My curiosity provoked some investigation. The investigation awakened some speculation. The speculation led to these imaginary excerpts taken from Andrew's imaginary journal. (The dates for each entry uses our current calendar for the sake of clarity.)

Early May - 29 A.D.

It's been almost six months since I left our home in Galilee to observe John, the one called the Baptizer. He's more than that, though you wouldn't know it from the word about him that has spread through the land. There is considerable enthusiasm among the people who follow him. Like me, they see a powerful prophet, the likes of which has not been seen in Judea for almost four hundred years. My friends and I spend a lot of time in the evening dreaming of the possibilities in God's plan for His people.

Late May - 29 A.D.

John's been down by the Jordan river close to Jericho. I couldn't believe the crowds that poured out to see him, some even came from Jerusalem itself. It was fascinating to watch how he dealt with the different groups. Each came with their own needs and interests; but I was especially broken up with laughter when he called the Pharisees a "brood of vipers." They left in a huff. I keep watching and hoping. Could he be the one God promised to send? 

Early June - 29 A.D.

Today my spirit is low and my heart is heavy. Some priests had been sent from Jerusalem to get the facts regarding John's claims. It seems that people had returned home after being baptized by John announcing that he must be the messiah. The priests had been sent to get a straight answer and they put the question bluntly to John: "Who are you? Let us have an answer for those who sent us. What do you say about yourself?" Fortunately, I was close enough to hear he exchange. John didn't hesitate in his reply; he understood exactly what they were asking about. "I am not the Christ. I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, 'Make straight the way of the Lord,' as the prophet Isaiah said."

I had hoped for more and have made up my mind to return home soon. 

Mid June - 29 A.D.

An extraordinary day, particularly when set against the disappointment of last week when John insisted that he was not the messiah. I can barely contain myself, I'm so excited. All morning the crowd had been chattering about a man named Jesus. It seems that John had spotted this Jesus walking toward him early in the day and was suddenly engulfed by a newfound enthusiasm. It was as if all his preaching had abruptly been brought to fulfillment and John could see the realization of all he had been proclaiming. He turned to those around him, pointed toward this man Jesus, and excitedly announced: "This is he of whom I said, 'After me comes a man who ranks before me, for he was before me.'" I wasn't there when it happened but heard about it from others. Then, that same afternoon, a friend and I were talking with John, trying to get more details, when this Jesus, about whom John had become so intense, passed by just a few yards away. John looked straight toward Jesus as he walked, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God!"

Neither my friend nor I had any idea what John meant by the term: "Lamb of God." Nevertheless, John was so insistent that we felt the man must be important, so we hurried to catch up. He soon spotted us and ultimately invited us to the place where he was staying. He spoke with us through the rest of the day and into the evening hours. His words embraced me with a holy presence. My heart burned as he spoke and I knew his words were true --- such a clarity of truth that I had never heard spoken before, even by the rabbis in the synagogue. 

September - 35 A.D.

The Jewish communities throughout Scythia have welcomed me as a brother. They must sense the new life that continues to overcome me even though it's been four years since it all happened. I feel like the messenger of whom Isaiah spoke when he said: "How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good tidings, who publishes peace, who brings good tidings of good, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns." Good tidings! Peace! Salvation! I bring all of these. And yes! Our God does reign! 

I hope to arrive at a new village before nightfall. I have been traveling with a small group of traders, some of whom are at least moderately familiar with our ancient beliefs and customs. Unlike other occasions, the journey this time has been uneventful. I am confident that my Lord will bring me to the exact place he wishes me to be. 

Late July - 38 A.D.

My journey has brought me back around close to the homeland of the Greeks. I am settled with the community in the small village of Byzantium on the isthmus leading into the Black Sea; and I intend to remain with them until next spring. In the meantime, my experience as a fisherman will serve me well so that I will not be a burden to these people.

Even at this great distance from Jerusalem I find the children of Abraham faithful to the teachings of Moses. Moreover, there are many from the gentile community who have been drawn to our religious heritage. The Jews call them "God-fearers." I am certain that the strength of belief found in the hearts of my Jewish brothers has contributed to their acceptance of Moses' teaching. Both my Jewish brothers and the "God-fearers" have been receptive to the good news of Our Lord, Jesus, the Christ.

Still, I would be remiss if I did not mention that I have also found those who resist the message of salvation. It's hard to shake the dust from my feet when I can so easily recognize the barriers they themselves put in the way of grace and faith.

October - 38 A.D.

Among those in the community here at Byzantium I have met one who had the opportunity to speak with Paul of Tarsus a few years ago. His name is Stachys. His faith is strong and he is faithful both to his prayer and the teachings which have been given us. Moreover, he is recognized in the community for his holiness and a life lived in the fullness of he Spirit which he has received. My brothers here in Byzantium regularly turn to him for guidance and both the humility exhibited in his conversations and his subservience to the Spirit lead me to believe that I should designate him as the one that the Christ followers should accept as the man God has chosen. I have spent long periods in prayer and fasting, seeking the guidance of the Spirit on this matter and I bow to the choice the Spirit has made.

April - 56 A.D.

This has been the longest and coldest winter I have seen in my journey into these lands north of Scythia. It is a flat land and the north wind drives through the open fields with great power. Nevertheless, Our Lord has blessed me with his protection every step along the way.

I have spent these winter months with my brothers at Poltava; and have had the opportunity to share and discuss many stories from the life of Jesus. His suffering and crucifixion brought many to tears, but their joy was unbounded when I told of his resurrection and the multiple opportunities to speak with him after he rose. Many came to believe and were themselves baptized with the fire of he Spirit.

I remain in constant amazement at the distance my brothers have traveled  to live in these foreign lands. Their synagogues are small by Judean standards. Still, they take comfort in one another and are always anxious to receive news from Jerusalem. The news I bring still burns fiercely within me even after all these years. And so, while my travels may be difficult and take me far from home and friends, I am driven to pursue all the children of Abraham wherever they may be so that they can know how our God has fulfilled his promise.

November - 62 A.D.

The Roman governor is angry with me. His wife and son have accepted the truth of the gospel and now proclaim with so many others that "Jesus Christ is Lord." My execution is scheduled for tomorrow and apparently the governor thinks it is a great irony that I should be crucified like the master. I have said that I am not worthy to die in the same manner as my Lord and Savior but I have no idea if the governor will change his mind.

It's hard for me to grasp that my life began almost thirty-five years ago when John pointed to the man walking on the ridge and declared "Behold, the Lamb of God." I did not know what John meant at the time, but I pursued the man anyway. I understand now as I have ever since he gave up his life on he cross. Little did I know then the difference it would make that this man came into my life. I know he lives and that he has been with me all these years, but I welcome tomorrow and the governor's sentence for my heart aches to see him face to face once more.

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